Thursday, February 14, 2013

Green Valentine Day

Well, red is still the color of Valentine's day, of course, but it is the green (and hopefully reds) that are consuming us. It's about 9 PM, temp is -13 with windchill -33 with clear skies so we are hoping for a show although the space weather - yes, we follow it at SpaceWeather - doesn't show a big show so far but it does change quickly (check the top graph and what we are hoping for is a large separation between the red and white lines to put it simply). We were told tonight that what we saw last night was about a 5 out of 10 so I guess we have a few more weeks to see some really spectacular sights.

Guess what they have in the grocery store in Churchill and what Linda got me for VD day?

I don't know whether to eat them here or try to smuggle them through US Customs.

Linda is off to see if there are any lights although Starman can be depended to sound the alarm. She's also checking the lounge to see if the TV is free for us to watch Love Actually.

Tomorrow we work our shift together and it doesn't start until 1:30 - we can sleep in!

And I need to check with Tall Dave to make sure I am included on any trips to town or to at least get in my order for the package store or whatever quaint term they have for it here.

Here's a little known factoid: Churchill Northern Studies Centre is rated as one of the top places to fend off a zombie invasion. Mull that one over. Maybe it's because polar bears like zombie meat? Who knows?

Hoping for the lights but wouldn't mind a good night's sleep...


  1. Great picture this! What was the f-stop and exposure to capture the foreground with such clarity??

  2. Nikon D5100 f1.8 iso 800 6 seconds
