Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Churchill Hilton.....NOT!

Somehow I have to play catchup with all that is going on. So, in no particular order, I will start to do that. I should mention, however, that Linda is doing a very nice job on her blog keeping it up to date and with much more pertinent information than in mine so check her's out at auroraoverchurchill.tumblr.com (We aren't quite sure how to subscribe to hers, though. It might be through the RSS link on the menu. Let us know if you are successful and how you did it! Thanks).

So, we spent the night at the Churchill Hilton Quinzhee. This brand new facility had it's grand opening just last week. I can honestly say I have never stayed in any place quite like it.

Note the warm glow of the fireplace emanating from the front door.
There is ample security from intruders once the doors are in place for the night but we were advised that in case we needed to vacate quickly a barred door would be open all night. Living space was quite ample as long as you didn't need to stand up or stretch too much. And the indoor toilet is a feature found in only the most posh Churchill establishments.

Bellhop service was available to bring your gear into the hotel.

Unfortunately, internet and TV service had not been implemented although the air-conditioning appeared to be working quite well.

All in all, the Hotel Quinzhee was an unforgettable stay. Oh, and here is a picture of the ultimate in bathroom amenities when the option is to put on boots, snowpants, jackets, and mittens...

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